
Long Covid Land Disclaimer


DISCLAIMER: The information, content, material and services provided by and on the Website and all inner website pages related thereto (hereinafter the “Website“) are provided to you “as is” and without any representations or warranties of any kind from longcovidland.com or the contributing authors of the Website, either express or implied. YOU AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF THE WEBSITE, ITS INFORMATION, CONTENT, MATERIALS AND SERVICES IS ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK.  Longcovidland.com and the contributing authors of the Website do not endorse and are not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, information or statement made through the Website or a linked website by any party, or the reliability of any information or service obtained from a linked website. Other than as required under applicable consumer protection law, under no circumstance will longcovidland.com or the contributing authors of the Website be liable for any loss or damage caused by a viewer or user’s reliance on information obtained through the Website or a linked website, or a viewer or user’s reliance on any information or service obtained from a linked website. It is the responsibility of you, the user/viewer, to evaluate the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any opinion, advice or other content available through the Website, or obtained from a linked web site.

The Website contains personal accounts of people who wish to share their experiences with long covid. Neither the Website nor its operators take steps to verify the experiences published on the Website and the Website and its operators do not make any representations as to the information shared by submissions posted on the Website. It is explicitly acknowledged by you that you are to use your discretion in reviewing the accounts and experiences shared on the Website. Nothing on the Website constitutes medical nor treatment advice. If you require medical treatment, contact a physician. You must not rely on the information and materials provided on or through the Website as an alternative to medial advice or medical treatments from your physician or other professional medical service providers. If you have any specific questions about medical treatments you should consult your physician or other professional medical service provider. You should never delay seeking medical treatment, disregard a physician’s advice, commence or discontinue medical treatments because of information on this Website or experiences shared on the Website.

 The Website includes information that is subject to change without notice.

 Longcovidland.com, its operators, agents, employees, contractors and sub-contractors will not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from the possession, publication or use of or reliance on information obtained from this Website.

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