


When I think of all the amazing, talented people who have been destroyed by long Covid from
chess grand masters, athletes, health care workers, teachers, etc., to the quiet unsung heroes
like the neighborhood bartender or the mom who dedicated their lives to creating beautiful,
vibrant communities that mattered, my heart hurts and is filled with unspeakable grief.

I see the loss of my children’s mother, my husband’s wife, the friend to many, and the person I

When David Cutler calculates the cost of long Covid as $3.7 trillion, this is just a meaningless

The true cost of long Covid is the immeasurable, unspeakable loss of all of these nameless,
voiceless people had to offer and to give to this world and to humanity. Their stories abruptly
placed on permanent pause and consigned to the wayside we call Long Covid Land.

Humanity will never recover from this erasure of all that could have been.

A Long Covid warrior from Southern California

Your Stories

The Fabric is Torn

The Fabric is Torn

During this Pandemic, I learned that people who define kindness as remembering other people’s birthdays and anniversaries and hosting holiday

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UnspeakableBy CBG When I think of all the amazing, talented people who have been destroyed by long Covid fromchess grand

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